
Age: 9 months
Sex: Female
Living with Children: Yes
Living with Dogs: Yes, but not with a dominant one.
Living with Cats: Yes, we can give it a go!
Sterilized: Yes
Vaccinated: DHPL, Rabies


Pallina was rescued by Underdogs Sri Lanka when she was found at a bus stop of a busy junction, together with several other small puppies. She had an extensive cut on her stomach and was covered in mange. Pallina recovered in one month and has been fostered at our center since.

Read more about Pallina

Pallina loves contact with humans and other dogs. She will constantly jump on you until you pick her up or give her the attention she is looking for. Pallina behaves the same with dogs and oftentimes jumps on them for attention, even when the moment is inappropriate. She often lacks awareness and puts herself in uncomfortable situations where other dogs could attack or hurt her. Pallina has been a victim of bullying in the past, and still is at times. (Her ear was bitten in two as a result of a group attack.) We think it is best to not mix Pallina with a dominant dog or a pack, and also best to not mix her with smaller dogs, as she has become a little bully herself lately. Her new home needs to have a garden or an outdoor area, as Pallina loves running, playing, and socializing. She is the cutest of the pack and we constantly give her cuddles and kisses.

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