
Sex: Female


Jam was found, with her sister Butter, in the middle of our road, at approx. 4 weeks old. We think they were owned dogs because they were in a very good state and extremely friendly with people.

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Jam is a sassy, saucy and cheeky pup! She has endless fights with her sister Butter and they are a comedy show to watch, especially when eating from the same plate. Jam is a very young puppy so her personality has not completely developed yet. As she matures, she will go through different changes and stages. While it’s still too early to totally define her, we have already noticed that she is an extremely active, intelligent and friendly dog with a hint of dominance. She is quite young but definitely knows what she wants! If she thinks she can get through the tiniest hole to get inside the house, she will. Jam is fearless, but not aggressive; just curious and proactive. She is also very friendly and affectionate, and won’t stop jumping for snuggles when she sees us! She is a very adaptable, strong, healthy, little puppy, so if you’re looking for a great family dog, Jam is the one for you! She has lived outdoors her whole life so a garden or outdoor area would be an ideal space for her new home.

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